Let’s meet, share, laugh and sigh as we connect, support and inspire through stories. Come and tell your story or come and listen to stories.

Austin, Texas

Ruiz Library, 1600 Grove Blvd. TX 78741

First Saturday every other month

February 1, April 4, June 6

12 PM – 2.30PM, bring your own lunch

call or text Mahani: 512 800 2541


Cedar Park, Texas

For the next gathering,

Call or Text Brenda: 512 736 0824



Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

 Masakini Theatre

No 8A, Tepian Tunku, Bukit Tunku
50480 Kuala Lumpur

Second Sunday every third month

 February 9, May 10 

whatsapp Jenny: +6019 325 5203


Washington, DC


 January 18, April 11,  

12-2.00 PM

Venue Jan. 18th: Peoples Congregational Church

4704 13th St. Washington DC 20011

 Call or  Text Amanda: 301 956 4402

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